What is Acupuncture and what can it treat?

Acupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – one of the most ancient systems of medicine that goes back more than 2,000 years.

Acupuncture is a therapy where fine sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the body.

These acupuncture points are located and linked on ‘channels’ along which the Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) flows. The stimulation of these acupuncture points through the needles, is to restore ‘balance’ in the body and to ensure the smooth flow of Qi. The more balance that is maintained, the healthier we feel.

We can recognise when our Qi is not in balance or blocked as it manifests as emotional or physical symptoms, illness, and disease. The disturbance of our Qi flowing can be due to many factors – emotional stress and tension, diet and digestive issues, lifestyle choices, medications, physical trauma and surgical procedures, the environment and generally how we live in the modern world.

Is Acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is generally very safe and evidence shows that there are very few side effects. Single-use, sterile, disposable needles are used in clinic and I follow the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) codes and standards to ensure safe practice and conduct.

So, what can Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat a variety of conditions. Here at my clinic, I offer treatment for:

  • Women’s health

    • Menstrual cycle support and regulation

    • Painful periods, PMS/PMDD

    • Endometriosis and PCOS support

    • Post-partum care and maternal wellbeing

    • Peri-menopause and menopause support

  • Anxiety, low mood, and depression

  • Stress and emotional management

  • Headaches and migraine

  • Digestive issues and conditions – e.g. IBS, IBD

  • Sleep support and insomnia

  • Musculoskeletal pain and arthritis

  • Seasonal illnesses support / allergies

The British Acupuncture Council website provides accurate and unbiased fact sheets for many conditions including research overviews. Please take a look here: https://acupuncture.org.uk/about-acupuncture/acupuncture-research/evidence-a-z/

Please feel free to call me to discuss your condition and I can let you know if Acupuncture can be beneficial. I offer FREE 15-minute discovery calls for exactly this reason and to start to get to know you and your health in a short time before we commit to clinic appointments.